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In large construction and manufacturing projects, many project and construction managers don’t bring commissioning into the process until the final stages. But, not implementing the commissioning process sooner can lead to extra costs that could have been avoided with earlier commissioning insights.

The timing and tools used in commissioning processes can make a world of difference when it comes to costs and savings. This article covers the benefits of using commissioning management software over manual methods, how this software can play a role in each phase of a project, and when you should consider onboarding it.

What Is Commissioning Management Software?

Commissioning management software is a tool used to streamline the commissioning process to ensure all operational components of a project are documented and working as designed. This includes making sure:

  • The project is meeting the project owner’s requirements
  • The project is progressing according to its planned scope
  • Potential oversights are being identified and corrected
  • Equipment is being installed properly
  • Connected systems and equipment are being tested to optimize performance


Without commissioning management software, commissioning is often completed using paper, pen, and spreadsheets, which leaves a lot of room for human error and potential rework. Commissioning management software helps to ensure a more efficient and accurate commissioning with tools that can:

  • Digitize data captured for advanced analytics and reporting
  • Provide real-time updates on scheduling and progress tracking
  • Identify any activities that are at risk of being late
  • Develop checklists using digital templates
  • Make information available to all project teams regardless of location
  • Consistently collect data across vendors
  • Log pictures and inspection reports
  • Track and close all deficiencies

When Should You Onboard Commissioning Management Software During a Project?

Research has shown that building commissioning into the early stages of the project can lead to an average of up to 16% in cost savings. Employing commissioning activities sooner than later can catch costly deficiencies and oversights before they become problematic. This gives project managers the opportunity to proactively correct them.

Ideally, commissioning software should be onboarded during project setup so that it can be used to help with the planning and design phases. This way, you can avoid unnecessary time loss at the project’s end and ensure you’re selecting the equipment that will perform most efficiently.

How Is Commissioning Management Software Used in Each Project Phase?

When commissioning management software is used within each phase of the project, it can provide additional insight to guide better decision making. Here’s an overview of how the software can be used at each project stage.

Pre-Design Phase

When commissioning is implemented during the planning and pre-design phases of a project, it gives the commissioning team a chance to research similar projects that have been completed in the past to help guide the direction from the start. It also helps to:

  • Define the commissioning plan, scope, schedule, and tasks
  • Include commissioning requirements in the technical specifications
  • Create a commissioning inspection and test plan (ITP) to define which test procedures will be used during each phase

Design Phase

During the design phase, the commissioning team should make sure the project’s conditions, scope, and status are clearly defined. Commissioning software can also be used to store drawings and other required design-related records completed during this phase.

Construction Phase

The construction phase is when many of the commissioning activities take place, including participating in factory witness testing and ensuring equipment is properly installed. Commissioning management software can help with the construction phase by:

  • Documenting test results and any issues that were discovered to make sure they are addressed
  • Preparing business systems documentation
  • Conducting verification activities like quality checks
  • Collecting proof that design and project requirements are being met

Occupancy & Operations Phase

During initial occupancy and post-occupancy care, commissioning teams are the responsible party for documenting any modifications needed and conducting periodic checks to verify and support the project’s performance. They also need to compare the most up-to-date outcome against the project’s initial intent and objectives.

Benefits of Using Commissioning Management Software Over Manual Methods

While manual commissioning reporting may be possible for smaller projects with fewer than 100 devices, it can quickly become unmanageable for larger projects. Commissioning management software comes with strong benefits to complete projects of all sizes, including the following.

Increased Accuracy

Any time physical documents are involved, there is always a risk for human error. Manual methods also introduce inconsistency when more than one person is documenting the commissioning activities. Commissioning and completion management software helps to ensure all data is accurately recorded in a predictable and consistent manner.

More Transparency

When data lives on paper, it’s hard for vendors or teams at different locations to stay up to date on progress reports. Utilizing commissioning software via mobile apps enables all project stakeholders to access a quick snapshot of the project from anywhere using their own mobile devices. It also helps to create a clear audit trail.

Improved Reporting

Commissioning management software comes with project data analysis tools that can create reports to enable real-time informed decision making. It can provide insights into system performance and make it easier to identify areas for improvement.

Greater Efficiency

The automation and control features found within commissioning management software empower users to automate otherwise manual commissioning processes. This saves time, reduces manual intervention, and improves the system’s overall efficiency.

Ensured Compliance

A commissioning management platform takes the guesswork out of compliance issues by ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations. Systems can be validated against established benchmarks, including industry-specific requirements, which help guarantee their safety and reliability.

Revolutionize Large-Scale Projects With Commissioning Management Software

Systems across industries have found increased efficiency and savings by transferring manual projects into digital platforms, including health care, real estate, and legal entities. And now, thanks to technology, spreadsheet tracking is no longer the only option for adopting suitable commissioning solutions that are tailored to your needs.

Commissioning management software offers an additional tool for construction, manufacturing, and energy entities to simplify the commissioning process without risking noncompliance. It not only streamlines operations but also sets your company up for future success due to its ability to adapt and evolve as needed.

TrackerCheck was designed based on onsite user feedback to help it seamlessly integrate into standard industrial project workflows. It’s easy to use, mobile optimized, and has helped to deliver some of the largest and most influential projects around the world.

Revolutionize your next project with first-of-its-kind commissioning software. Request a TrackerCheck demo today!


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